Curriculum Vitae (CV)                                                          

Chief Technology Officer
Prof. Christos D. Papageorgiou

Personal Information:

Name: Prof. Christos D. Papageorgiou
Address: Nymfon 1b, 14563 Kifissia, Athens, Greece
Phone: +30 6937-377-998


1961-1966: Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
1976-1979: PhD, Imperial College, London University (Scholar of Greek National Scholarship Foundation

Academic Career:

  • 1970-1975: Professor, University of West Attica (Electrical technology)
  • 1979-2010: Associate Professor, NTUA (Electromechanical systems of Thrust & Power)
  • 1986-1989: Senate Member of NTUA
  • 1987-1988: Member of Executive Committee, Chania Technical University

Main Scientific Papers:


  • Research Interest Score: 329.2
  • Citations: 591
  • h-index: 14

Professional Management Career:

Primary Governmental Positions:

  • 1981-1983: Deputy CEO, National Hellenic Railways
  • 1983-1985: CEO, OLYMPIC AIRWAYS
  • 1986-1987: CEO, PYRKAL (Main Defense Industry in Greece)
  • 1988-1989: CEO, National Hellenic Railways
  • 1994-1995: Chairman, “PAEGA” SA (subsidiary of “National Bank of Greece”)
  • 1996-1997: Chairman, National Hellenic Railways

Primary Private Sector Positions:

  • 1990-1996: Member of Board, “VERNICOS YACHTS” S.A.
  • 2000-2004: President, VERAVIA S.A. (express freight airline company)

Academic Interests:

  • Solar Chimney Technology (Inventor of Hybrid PV+ Solar Chimney technology)
  • Energy Systems
  • Electromagnetic Applications for Power and Propulsion Systems
  • Electro-Magnetic Theory and Quantum Mechanics
  • Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) Technologies

Recent Business Activities:


  • Mathematics
  • Philosophy
  • History

Published Books at NTUA:

  1. Ευθύγραμμοι Κινητήρες (Linear Motors)
  2. Κύματα- Από τον Ηλεκτρομαγνητισμό στην Κβαντομηχανική (Waves-from Electromagnetism to Quantum Mechanics)

This enhanced CV provides a clear and comprehensive overview of Prof. Christos D. Papageorgiou’s academic and professional journey, research interests, and recent business activities. The inclusion of key achievements, positions held, and published works contributes to a well-rounded presentation of his expertise and contributions to various fields.

Chief Technology Officer
Dr Euripides I. Georgantzos

Euripides Georgantzos
Dionisou 7
Anixi Attica Greece, 14569
+30 6977485161

Git Repositories:

Stack Overflow Profile:

Development Languages and Tools:
JavaScript ES6+, Typescript, Ruby on Rails, Python, PHP
JS Frameworks: ReactJS, NextJS, BackboneJS
Testing (Unit/E2E/Behavioral/Mutation): Jest, Sinon, Cypress, Spinach, Stryker
API Testing: Postman

Client side: HTML5 , CSS3/SASS, Google Maps API , Google Chart API
Bundlers: Webpack, Gulp
Styling: Bootstrap, Masonry, Materialize.css, Material UI
UI Design: Zeplin
Version Control: Git, Atlassian Bitbucket
Project Management: Jira, Trello, Openproject

Server side: Javascript/NextJS, Ruby on Rails, Python, PHP
Working Environments (OS’s):
Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Content Management Systems:
WordPress, Umbraco, Sitecore, Joomla
MongoDB, MySQL

Spoken Languages:
English, Fluently [TOEFL]
Italian, moderate
Mother-tongue: Greek

  • Sitecore / Senior Software Engineer
  • Development of a library/support module for end user personalization, to work in conjunction with Sitecore CDP.
  • ESTeam / Senior Frontend Engineer
  • OCTOBER 2018 – APRIL 2022, ATHENS
  • Development and support of language taxonomy software.
  • EXUS / Senior Frontend Engineer
  • Development and support of customer corporate websites, extranets and intranets. Development of software for EU projects.
  • Infamous Labs / Frontend Developer
  • Development of web applications and TV applications on behalf of a startup company.
  • Crowdpolicy / Web Developer
  • Web development on behalf of a marketing agency.
  • Steficon SA / Web Developer
  • MARCH 2012 – OCTOBER 2013, ATHENS
  • Web development on behalf of a marketing agency.

University of Peloponnese, Department of Science and Technology / Phd in Telecommunications
Thesis Title: “Study Of EM Wave Propagation
In Elliptical Core Optical Fibers”.
20 / Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications
Paper Title: “Planning and Development of Hardware and Software for Mobile Management of Domestic Energy Consumption via the Internet”.
Final Grade: 8,47/10
Military Service : Greek Navy
University of Laverne California / Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Concentration in Marketing


  1. Boucouvalas, Anthony C., Euripides Georgantzos, et al. “Resonant transmission line method for unconventional fibers.” Applied Sciences 9.2 (2019): 270.
  2. Boucouvalas, Anthony C., Christos Papageorgiou, and Euripides Georgantzos. “Elliptical fibre dielectric waveguides: a transverse transmission line analysis.” IET Optoelectronics (2019).
    International Conference Presentations
  3. Georgantzos, E., C. Papageorgiou, and A. C. Boucouvalas. “A transmission line model for propagation in elliptical core optical fibers.” AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1702. No. 1. AIP Publishing LLC, 2015.
  4. Georgantzos, E., and A. C. Boucouvalas. “Transmission line resonance technique for eccentric core optical fibers.” AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1790. No. 1. AIP Publishing LLC, 2016.
  5. Georgantzos, E., Anthony C. Boucouvalas, and C. D. Papageorgiou. “Transmission line and resonance technique in cylindrical fibers of circular asymmetry.” 2016 International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU). IEEE, 2016.
  6. Papageorgiou, Christos & Georgantzos, Euripides & Raptis, Theophanes & Boucouvalas, Anthony, Resonant Transmission Line Modeling of Holey Photonic Crystal Fibers, INASE 2017, Athens, Greece (2017)

Member of the R&D team of experts
Emmanuel Protonotarios Emeritus Professor

E-mail: ,
Phone: +30 210 772 2533

Emmanuel N. Protonotarios is Professor Emeritus of the NTUA
Electrical and Comp. Engineering Department, where he has been a full Professor of the
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering since 1973.
He graduated NTUA in 1963 receiving the highest GPA in the first 100 years of NTUA.
During his studies in the School for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering he received 9
awards. Fullbright, the Institute of International Education, BOESE, Higgins and National
Science Foundation Scholarships and Grants have been awarded for this
EngSc.D.Doctor of Engineering Science from Columbia University between 1963-6.
has lectured in Columbia, Cornell, Brown, Princeton Universities and Bell Laboratories.
Professor Protonotarios has served as Chairman of the Department of Electrical
Engineering for two terms 1980-83, 1983-88 and as NTUA’s Vice Rector at the young
age of 43.

He is the author or co-author of 200 journal papers published mostly in the IEEE
Journals and International Conferences on Telecommunications and Circuit Theory,
many of which he organised and chaired. He has published a textbook in circuit theory
and contributed to H. J. Bullinger’s book on Information Technology for Organizational

Professor E.N. Protonotarios supervised the completion of 60 Ph.D. theses and more
than 600 BSc and MSc theses on information and telecommunication technologies.
Teaching experiences include serving as Assistant Professor of the Department of
Electrical Engineering of Columbia University (1968-73), Visiting Professor of the
Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Patras (1970-71) and Fellow at
the National Defence Research Centre (1970). Two years at Bell Telephone Laboratories
from 1966 to 1968, Professor Protonotarios did research and development work and
lectured on applications of the theory of stochastic processes for linear signal
processing in telecommunications.

Professional experiences include serving as President of the National Research Institute
(1981-83), National Representative of the ESPRIT program, President of the State
Scholarships Foundation, Member of the Onasis Scholarship Foundation and Founding
Member of the Steering Committee for the Technical University of Crete (1982-88).

Member of the R&D team of experts
Theophanes E. Raptis

Birth Date : April 3rd, 1965
Residency : Lefkosias 23 Str., 112 53, Athens, Greece
Tel. : +30 2108677509 / 2231308656
Mob : +30 6979780381
e-mail :
github :

Mr Theophanes Raptis has worked as a research assistant in EU research projects at the
R&D Unit of the Division of Applied Technologies, in the NCSR “Demokritos” institute.
He is also collaborating with the Physical Chemistry laboratory, Dept. of Chemistry in
the University of Athens as well as the El.-Eng. Dept. of the Technical Education Institute
of Piraeus.

He holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Crete (1995) and he has followed a post
graduate training in theoretical physics from the physics sector of the National Technical
University of Athens under a PhD scholarship from the Material Science Institute, NCSR
Demokritos (1997-1999).

He has worked in Protein Folding and Molecular Dynamics problems.
His research interests include computational physics applications, computational
modeling and simulation of physical and abstract dynamical systems, cellular automata
and complex systems. He is experienced in using FORTRAN, C,MATLAB in the context of
such applications and he also has basic knowledge of MAPLE, REDUCE, Maxima
programming environments.

Among others, he has developed programs for a special suite of Molecular Mechanics,
Monte-Carlo Optimization of polymeric structures and post-processing of Molecular
Dynamics trajectories. The suite is constantly under development in cooperation with

Dr Vasilios Raptis, currently in FORTH, Heraklion, Crete.
He has a number of publications including articles in peer reviewed journals and ArXiv
preprints as well as an essay, titled Techno-Feudalism, discussing some far-reaching
social consequences of massive introduction of advanced technologies.
He has been awarded a patent from the Greek Industrial Property Organization (OBI) for
an Artificial Volition Method in Autonomous Robotics